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Working in the UK Resources


UK Government Guidelines- What you Need to do

Know what you can and what you cannot do during this pandemic.


NMC COVID-19 Information and Advice

Be updated on NMC's guidelines including temporary registration

How to Work Safely in Care Homes

Public Health England has put together a guidance on how to work safely in care homes

RCN Support fund application form

The RCN Foundation COVID-19 Support funding is available to members of the nursing and midwifery community who are or have been working on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic, including nurses, midwives, health care assistants and students. Funding is also available to bereaved families of health care workers.

NHS Bereavement Support during COVID-19

NHS has put together a suite of resources to help you access support during these difficult times. 

NHS Bereavement & Trauma Line for Filipino Staff- Call 0300 303 1115

There is a team of fully qualified and trained professionals, all of whom are Tagalog speakers, ready to help you at our NHS Bereavement & Trauma Line for Filipino Staff.

Guidance on DOLE-AKAP Cash Assistance (for OFWs affected by COVID) 

DOLE has issued the guidelines on the provision of financial assistance to displaced Landbased and Sea-based Filipino workers due to coronavirus diseases (COVID-19), known as “DOLE-AKAP for OFWs”.

UNISON's COVID-19 financial assistance

UNISON, one of the healthcare unions in the UK can provide one-off grants to those in difficulty due to coronavirus, or other financial assistance for those experiencing unexpected hardship. 

Examination Guides and Learning Materials

Nursing Registration

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Mental Health Organisations

Employee Assistance Programs-  each of the NHS Trusts will their EAP. Please contact your Occupational Health.


Anxiety UK

No Panic

Samaritan UK

Shout UK

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