Untold Stories of Filipino Nurses in the UK: Art Competition
Sat, 28 Jan
|Untold Stories of Filipino Nurses in the UK
The project envisions to produce works of art that will be exhibited in public spaces in London, i.e. NHS hospitals, community halls, etc. The project is supported by the Mayor of London. SIgn up on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/untold-stories-of-filipino-nurses-in-the-uk-art-competition-tickets-4

Time & Location
28 Jan 2023, 19:30 GMT – 29 Jan 2023, 20:30 GMT
Untold Stories of Filipino Nurses in the UK
About the event
The project envisions to produce works of art that will be exhibited in public spaces in London, i.e. NHS hospitals, community halls, etc. The project is supported by the Mayor of London.
The workshop is intended for artists interested to take part in the project. The workshop aims to (1) explain the mechanics of the project, (2) provide context and inspiration using a storytelling approach, (3) opportunity to collaborate with other artists
For more information, please email Marc Rodriguera, marc@fnauk.org.uk, or call 07863964158.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
1. Who can join? Any individual over 18 years of age, living in the UK, of any ethnic origin.
2. What art form are allowed? Only artworks done on canvas will be allowed. The artwork could be of any style, acrylic, watercolour, oil, digital, photographs, mosaic, etc. The size of artwork on canvas to be exhibited is at least 16" X 20" or bigger.
3. How will art be selected for the exhibit? There will be a 'shortlisting process' where artists will be asked to submit their ideas, a short explanation and a small sketch or sample work at least 5 X 7 inches or a digital (photo) equivalent. All submissions at this stage will be anonimised prior to short listing. A selection from the submitted artworks will be allowed to go to the next stage and be funded to produce a larger format ready for exhibition. The link for the Ideas Submission Form will be shared on attending the workshop.
4. Will the artist be paid for the works of art? The funding only allows for reimbursement of materials of the artist of the larger work of art. This is only after being selected to progress after shortlisting.
5. What are the prizes for the competition? £300 for First Prize, £150 for Second prise and £100 for Third Prize.
6. Who owns the artwork? The artist will be recognised but after the cost of production has been refunded, ownership is transferred to FNAUK.
7. When and where will the artwork be exhibited? The artwork will be exhibited on a rotational basis at participating NHS Trusts for viewing by the public. This is being planned to commence in June 2023.
8. How can I join as an artist? Attend one of the workshops. Complete an Artist Idea Submission Form along with a draft, sketch or small form of your idea. Click the link to submit your art idea (Google Form)
Once you have been shortlisted, you will be able to proceed with a large format/size of your idea. Complete the work by agreed deadline and your work will be exhibited in public space and entered in a competition.