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My Story as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a GP Practice

Writer's picture: #jointheFUN#jointheFUN

Hello, My name is Elaine but most people I know call me Lain. I am a 31-year old Filipina nurse living in London and working as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in NHS GP practice. My career progression story is not the typical pathway we usually hear.

I moved to the UK more than 5 years ago and started as an ITU staff nurse in a private hospital. After a few years, I felt the need for better work-life balance. I have self-funded my MSc ACP which helped me moved to senior roles.

Crazy as it sounds, but I have moved from tertiary to secondary then finally to primary care over the last 3 years. I spent a year working as an ANP in private healthcare before I applied for an ANP in NHS GP practice to expand my scope of practice.

What I do as as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Advanced Nurse Practitioners in GP surgery practice a high degree of autonomy. We run our own clinics with a mix of telephone, online, and face-to-face consultations. Our main duties include complex patient reviews/assessments including laboratory analysis, diagnosing and managing acute and chronic conditions, treatment of minor illnesses, prescribing and reviewing medications, evaluating treatment plans, initiating referrals to secondary and tertiary service, and triaging cases. Aside from above, I also drink coffee 3 times a day — hi fellow coffee lover! :)

The Good & Tough part of my job

Being an ANP in a GP surgery can be challenging. The pressure in General Practice is immense and ever increasing. Due to the number of patients we need to see daily, we have to fit each consultation within 10-15 minutes. You also get extra patients in between if it’s a busy day.

But our job also comes with perks — the autonomy in practice, flexible working hours, having a remote working option and of course, a well-paid rate. Meeting a lot of Filipinos is also an absolute reward, especially the “Titas” of London! They are the best patients because they have endless stories to share. It feels like home when you see them!

How to be an ANP

Ideally you need to complete MSc ACP (HEE, 2017) but you can also submit your portfolio of evidence to HEE for credentialing if you have years of experience working within Advanced practice capacity in primary care. A prescribing qualification is also an advantage because you’re managing patients independently.

Advice to fellow Filipino UK Nurses

When it comes to career, a healthy work culture and good work-life balance should also be considered. Both will serve you in the long run.

Just like investing money into stocks, invest in yourself too. Trust me, it will eventually pay off.

Rooting for you x

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